Friday, May 05, 2006

12 week belly shot!

i was 12 weeks pregnant on wednesday. i took this picture today.

i have been dealing with my own morning/all day sickness, and diedre has had an ear infection for several weeks (she is almost done her second round of antibiotics, stronger than the first). i have been so tired lately as i/we have been getting up with diedre throughout the night. she has had a couple nights where she seems really scared or something and is only comforted by me. she slept with us two nights because i was so exhausted and she would only settle if she was next to me.

Hooray for last night! she slept right through (cried a little, but settled back down herself) and i got a decent rest (hence the blog updates!). i have more to do from the last week, so i hope you dont miss any. i'm totally trying to cram in all the updating during her nap and its nearly over!

i am feeling alot better the last few days. i have not been sick for probably one week now. i have great energy today from the rest i had last night. and the sun has been shining and its been so summery lately. this weekend is spring cleanup weekend so we are excited to get stuff done around here.

:) ciao


Jennifer said...

Cute shot. The hot pink looks fantastic on you!

Michelle said...

glad to hear you are feeling better.

i've been trying to get ahold of you (online) for a few weeks now. i would love to chat sometime and see how you all are doing.

Sheldon Kotyk said...


Alvin & Denise Engler said...

cute belly -- I like the pink. I found in my pregnancy with Cherith, even before I knew it was a girl, that I wanted to wear pink more. finding your pink preferences more or less?

Alvin & Denise Engler said...

... i was thinking... it would be fun to have the salmons and kotyks over sometime in the early evening so the kids could play. maybe a potluck, or an order in pizza night, or something like that. what do you think? for us, tuesdays and thursdays are booked. is there a night that would work for you sometime soon?