Saturday, April 29, 2006

visit with Poppa & Diane in Courtenay

we went to courtenay this weekend. we made a major blunder and did not book a ferry so we had to wait around in the ferry line up for 4 hours!!! with a toddler!!!

it was very stressful for me, but we made the most of it.
we were able to hang out on a patch of grass and blow bubbles for the first hour. then we had to wait an hour in the car.
then we got to pull ahead, closer to the ferry and were able to go down and buy dinner and let diedre play at a park before loading onto the boat.

things did not get better when we arrived at my parents house...diedre was up until 1.30 or 2am because it was a new environment. she seemed so stressed out and was making weird crying noises and pointing. i eventually shut off the green nightlight and that seemed to help a little. so we all had very little sleep (diedre and i had 4 hours total!). saturday was a little groggy for all of us. but she slept marvelously on saturday night, ahhhh!

my dad is into "flipping" houses. this is his latest project. derek and him did a little work on saturday morning then we joined them to check out the project.

our sweet baby d

my dad & us

diedre and poppa checking each other out

playing with dandelions

steady now (derek's trying to get her to stand on her own)

"you still there dad?"

"bring the flower to mommy."

full concentration


Michelle said...

we've also had trouble getting toddlers to sleep in a strange environment.. you may remember ellia not wanting to sleep at your mother in law's house.

derek salmon said...

funny you'd mention that, i was thinking back to that visit, and i didnt remember your kids having a problem. i guess i thought you had it all under control!

Michelle said...

i remember ellia trying to sleep w/ daddy, then crying for momma, then trying to sleep w/ daddy again.. back and forth. once we got her asleep, she did okay though.

i think she was partly scared of the new place, and partly wanted to stay awake so she wouldn't miss anything.