Monday, June 13, 2005

antics at the farm

rick and danielle discovered this fun hobby at a climbers camp in turkey. the goal is to learn to balance using a utility strap that has been cinched between two posts/trees. the guys set it up tonight and we had a go on it.

its supposed to be good for rock climbing training because it helps you learn to balance using either leg. its really weird how the first time you try to step up onto the strap, your leg is literally shaking like a leaf and you can't stop it until you put all your weight down on it. its quite a skill. here we are, showing off our skills:





Michelle said...

that looks like fun, i wonder if i have the balance for that :)

derek salmon said...

its really hard. it doesn't take that many tries to train your legs, its just really tiring!

Anonymous said...

Ninja's !